Spirit moved…

I have just had the weirdest week. I have been feeling sick, blue and kicked while I was down.And miraculously at the same time, I have sensed the Spirit moving and flowing alongside me…

  • I have had confirmation of the voice in which I am to write.
  • I have had a renewed call to worship rise up within me.
  • I have an increasing hunger for His Word.
  • I have a clear direction for my next writing project.
  • I was invited twice this week to help lead worship, once in my church and the other in the community.
  • I have had a hope despite my hurting, my joy renewed each morning and a peace which passes all understanding.
  • I was able to sing with full voice when the Spirit landed upon me as I led one of my all time favorite worship songs this morning.

I am being led to let go of my boxes, and allow God to not only unpack my baggage but call my gifting forth as He desires it to come to life.

I am learning that when I let go and invite Him in, He moves beyond my limits and produces things which leave this broken vessel astounded and praising Him.

Would you join me this week to do the same?

Get quiet in His Presence.

Invite the Spirit to move.

Follow His lead.

Trust He will equip and strengthen you.

When we make room and clear the way for the Spirit to move, we give Him the gift of surrender.

God shows up, and moves as He gifts us in the moment of surrender.

We become the gift He can use for His glory!

PS. If you would like a jumping point for your quiet time, consider “Spirit Move” by Bethel Music…

“Come & blow on through. Spirit move, we’re ready for You to come & blow on through. Come & do what only You can do!”

#Spiritmove #worshiplife #singanewpsalm

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