moving with Holy Spirit

I must confess, I love to plan.    Which in and of itself, is a great one of the gifts with which He has equipped me.

However, I used to use it out of fear to try and control what was happening around me, to cover up what was going on inside of me.

After a few loving and wise mentors pointed this out, I got some Christian counseling, where God lead me into freedom in the areas where fear had been mega controlling me.

I needed to learn a new way to follow Him.

In His loving way, He brought me into His Word, spoke to me through times of worship & quiet in His Presence, and began to guide me as I looked to Him to lead me.

It has not always been easy, for there are times when I lose focus and follow red herrings the enemy uses to distract me, or become lazy with complacency on the great days.

I have been reminded when I looked at the life of Jesus that no matter what was going on in His life, Jesus followed His Father’s lead.

Because maintaining relationship was His plan. And only after daily time with His Father did Jesus step into action.

No matter where the journey takes you on the worst of day, God is with you.

  • He loves you with a perfect Father’s heart – wanting only the best for you.
  • He loves you with His saving grace despite your wrongs, yet made the way for you to come back Home.
  • He loves you with His guiding Counsel, offering wisdom for every step ahead.
  • He loves you so much, He goes with you. He covers you with His Presence. He sends His angels to watch over us. He speaks wisdom to us.

May we learn to follow where He is leading, as Holy Spirit moves us to do so.  As we sense Him on the move, may we every increasingly let Him take us where He desires.

Spirit, move in me. I am ready for You.

walking with Him

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